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Notes from the bench

Hon. Thomas Hruz, Wisconsin Court of Appeal, District 3;Access to Justice Commission Member The importance of suitable civil legal representation in Wisconsin cannot be understated. Indeed, it improves our civil justice system in a number of important ways. These include, among many others, providing all litigants with the impression that they were given a “fair shot” and were properly heard on the merits, enabling judges to correctly and efficiently resolve

Change at the Commission

The Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission is in the process of transitioning staff support for the Commission from the State Bar of Wisconsin to the Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation (WisTAF). Since we were created by the court in 2009, the State Bar has provided some administrative support for the Commission. The State Bar has been a generous supporter of our mission to develop and encourage means of expanding access to

Budget deal cuts LSC funding

The federal Legal Services Corporation reported today that the recent budget deal between the White House and Congress includes a cut of $15.8 million (3.8%) in funding for LSC in the current fiscal year. Wisconsin’s two LSC grantees, Legal Action of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Judicare would lose collectively lose approximately $189,00 in funding if the agreement is approved by Congress and signed by the President. Update: Together, Legal Action and