Category: Meetings

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Commission to meet on February 28

The next meeting of the Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission will be on February 28 2013, at the State Law Library in Madison. We will be meeting first with the Wisconsin Supreme Court beginning at 10 am and our annual meeting will follow at noon. More information and the agenda will be posted soon.

Spring meeting with the Wisconsin Supreme Court

hz536n/George Thomas /Free Photos On Monday, March 12, the Access to Justice Commission had the pleasure of meeting with the justices of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The Commission holds a joint meeting with the court each Spring in conjunction with the Commision’s annual meeting in Madison. The discussion covered a range of access to justice issues and projects in Wisconsin and nationally. The following Commission projects were covered and the Commission is grateful

Commission appoints work group for Wisconsin civil right to counsel project

O.F.E. /Foter The Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission has appointed a special working group to develop a formal proposal for a study that would evaluate the costs and benefits of providing counsel to low income individuals in some civil legal matters where basic human needs are at stake.  Initial members of the working group are Commission members Gregg Moore, Don Friske, John Ebbott, Deedee Rongstad and  Judge Margaret Vergeront as well as the

Annual meeting agenda

The agenda for the Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission is available now. March Agenda The Commission will also be meeting with the justices of the Wisconsin Supreme Court earlier in the day.

November 17 meeting update

Commission members met in Marquette University Law School’s beautiful new Eckstein Hall for their final meeting of 2010. The Commission received updates from its committees on proposed activities and issues that committees have identified as priorities for further work. Commission members also refined a draft statement of shared core values to guide their work on a wide range of systemic issues from legal aid funding and self-help initiatives to public education and

November 17 meeting agenda

The agenda for the Commission’s Fall meeting on November 17 in Milwaukee is now available. November 17 2010 agenda (pdf)

July post-meeting update

Yesterday, the Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission board held it’s quarterly meeting in beautiful Stevens Point, WI on the campus of UW Stevens Point. They had a full agenda of both substantive and administrative issues to address. What follows is a meeting summary prepared by Commission staff.

July meeting agenda available

The agenda for the July 27, 2010 Commission meeting in Stevens Point is now available here.  Setting up a committee structure for the Commission will be the action major item at this meeting.  The expectation is that much of the Commissions work will first pass through one of the proposed committees.  If there are issues you would like to bring to the Commission’s attention, you can do so using the

November board meeting – Milwaukee

The Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission board will be meeting in Milwaukee on November 17, 2010. Location information will be available closer to the meeting date.

July board meeting – Stevens Point

The next meeting of the Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission will take place July 27, 2010  on the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Campus at the Dreyfus University Center, 1015 Reserve St., in Room 223  from 10 am to 3 pm.