Pro bono spotlight – Brown County free legal clinic

Pro bono - A call to serveOn the first Wednesday of every month, a group of volunteer lawyers meet at Casa ALBA Melanie in Green Bay to offer free legal advice to anyone who comes in. “We answer legal questions and direct people to agencies, attorneys or other resources that can assist them,” said Attorney Robert R. Gagan. Gagan is a partner in the law firm of Calewarts, Duffy, Gagan & Erdman and one of the clinic’s regular volunteers. He is also the Immediate Past President of the State Bar of Wisconsin.

“Because the clinic is held at Casa ALBA Melanie [a nonprofit organization serving the Hispanic community in Brown County], most of our clients are Hispanic, but anyone may stop by and meet with an attorney,” Gagan said. The most frequently asked questions concern family, landlord/tenant, traffic and collection matters. Gagan added that questions about immigration, a very specialized area of law, are handled by a Milwaukee firm that visits Casa ALBA Melanie weekly specifically to address those questions.

“We are a small program, but I think we are helping those who come to us. I really enjoy working at the clinic, and I wish I had time to do more,” Gagan said. Attorneys willing to help at the free legal clinic are always welcome. If you would like to volunteer your time, contact Robert Gagan at 920-432-4391 or