First update

You probably have lots of questions about the Commission, its activities and its plans. This is the place to watch for the most up to date information about us. Posts may be short but we will try to keep them frequent enough so that you can stay up to date on and participate in our work. The thirteen members presently appointed to the commission have now met three times since reaching a critical mass of appointments this Spring. Minutes of the meetings will be posted online. Four additional members still need to be appointed (3 public members by the Governor and 1 person by the Assembly).

The Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission, Inc. was incorporated in mid March and will be seeking designation as a 501(c)(3) charity.  Thus far, commission meetings have necessarily been devoted to organizational issues raised by the required nonprofit structure we must create but that will soon change.  

As the focus turns to planning for the future, your voice and your ideas will be critical.  So stay tuned and stay engaged.  We will be as transparent as possible about what we are doing and how we are doing it.  You will find our meeting minutes and other important documents on this website.  More information will be added as the commission develops its plans.