Pro bono standard bearers

Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor SocietyThe Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission is pleased to announce the 398 members of the 2014 Wisconsin Pro Bono Honor Society. Each of these outstanding lawyers provided at least 50 hours of free or substantially reduced fee pro bono legal services in 2014 to benefit persons of limit means. Their service represents a combined contribution of at least 19,900 hours of pro bono legal help for people in need.

This is the second year for this recognition program and we are so pleased to see how it has grown since the first group of 121 attorneys were recognized for the pro bono contributions they made in 2013.

Every year, the Commission conducts extensive outreach to all members of the State Bar of Wisconsin encouraging attorneys to submit a brief certification if they have provided at least 50 hours of qualifying pro bono legal services in the preceding calendar year. Law firms, pro bono organizations and legal aid programs are encouraged to submit certifications on behalf of volunteers who qualify.

The Commission will be working with a variety of groups on local and statewide recognition events.